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Monday, October 26, 2009

Proof that Social Networking Really Works

As most of you know, I use Google Analytics to monitor my traffic source, keywords, ROI, etc. If you would like to learn how to use it, send me a note or an email and I will be more than happy to help. But basically, when you sign up for an account, they give you a snippet of code that you paste in your HTML code which tracks all the information you need.

I was looking at my sales for the month of October and wanted to share my results:
  • 9 Facebook sales : I update Facebook with daily sales & events
  • 12 StumbleUpon sales: I add new blog and articles
  • 6 Twitter sales: I update my status with the same stuff as Facebook (automatically)
  • 12 sales from press releases:I submit a press release 3-4 times a year
  • 10 sales from articles I wrote in ezinarticles : I submit an article at least once a month
I know in the scheme of things, 49 sales in one month is not alot, but I didn't really do that much work - imagine if I focused more time on it. So, I just wanted to give you an idea on how with a little extra work - Social Networking can really help bring in more sales. And here's a hint - I don't always write my own press releases and articles - I have an amazing writer that does it for me if I don't have the time.

Now rest assured, I had more than just 49 sales this month - but I wanted to show you some real live examples of how Social Networking can really work :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Using Radio & TV with Social Networking

I read this blog by Tony Brueski and thought that it was very insightful. I'm actually going to start a radio campaign next month and will most likely try this method to see how it works.... can you guess what "restaurant" he is talking about? I did see the commercials and thought it was genius! :) Let me know your thoughts.....

"Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Linked-In, there are far too many to count… and for that matter, too many to remember. It’s very easy for a business owner to feel overwhelmed when it comes to marketing your products and services. It’s no longer just as simple at putting an ad in the paper, buying a radio commercial, or having a TV commercial created. While your customers still use radio and TV quite heavily you need to be in more than one place to make a true impact on your customers lives, and to make them take action. Bottom line: The consumer needs that little extra reminder that you exist. The good news is… the cost of having a presence on social media outlets is free. It just takes some time and effort for it to pay off big time, if done correctly.

When you use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter effectively, you can reach thousands of potential clients with a meaningful message on a daily basis. But how do you get these potential clients to become your “Friend” or “Follow you” if you’re starting from scratch? That’s where traditional media comes in. Recently a major restaurant chain wanted to dramatic increase its “followers” or “fans” on Facebook. To do this, they launched a campaign on TV and Radio asking people to sign up and be their “Fan” on facebook, the message clearly stated that if “a set amount of people became a “fan” by a select date, every one of them would get a coupon for a free burger”. The result… thousands of people became a “fan” and many of them told their friends to become “Fans” as well, and so on and so on. In the end, every single one of them were given a free burger.

So now this restaurant chain has loads of “Followers/Fans”… Now what? If the restaurant uses their social networking wisely, they can make meaningful offers, share viral videos, bits of humor, all in an effort to be “top of mind” with their target customer. It’s not just a matter of posting the daily specials, their “posts” than fall onto their fans “feeds” cannot be spamy in any way, shape, or form.

Do they abandon all other forms of media now? Certainly not. This is a mistake many make, simply dismissing radio or TV as “old”. Remember how they got these followers? The “old” media drove them there, obviously they still work, and work quite well. The restaurant simply now have another way of being in front of their target clientele.

What we are witnessing is the evolution of a new venue for marketing. Just as the evolution from billboards lead to print lead to radio led to TV led to internet, and now to social marketing. None of the mediums died, they simply created more places to reach your customers. The businesses that are reaching their target clientele, still use all of these mediums in some way shape or form. All of them are effective at delivering different messages. Some in making direct offers, some in branding top of mind name recognition, some in garnering excitement and evoking emotion and action. They all work hand in hand."

Friday, October 2, 2009

Want to get more visitors to your site?

I'm not sure if you are familiar with Stumble Upon.

StumbleUpon is a service that allows you to surf the internet by using a toolbar which services random web pages whenever you click “Stumble.” You have the ability to select what category to browse and the option to rate and review each page.

You may also use StumbleUpon as a social networking site, connecting to like-minded individuals and share your findings within the group.

For more information see StumbleUpon: A Beginner’s Guide

It is a great way to not only share interesting web pages and images, but also your own opinions on a website submitted or "thumbed-up" by other users. After thumbing up a website, you will give the site more exposure and increase the possibility of others viewing it.

The great thing about StumbleUpon is that it offers more than one way to get others to view your website. One of the most under-utilized functions is the ability to send articles, blogs, newsletters, etc to friends–even ones who don’t use StumbleUpon.

So..... why do I think this is so great......BECAUSE IT REALLY WORKS!

I've been using it for years - stumbling other websites to get ideas and to see what is out there. I've also been adding my business sites (i.e. blog, articles, press releases) to get more exposure.

I use Google Analytics to monitor where my sales are coming from, what keywords people are using to get to me, what keywords are profitable, etc.... and I saw that last month - I had 10 sales from StumbleUpon users! Just from adding my "Gifts for Sale" page to my profile. Every time I add a new site to my profile - I get between 100-200 StumbleUpon visitors to my site.

Give it a try.... it's a great way to get new visitors to your site!