What are Hubpages? Hubpages is a collection of articles or hubs, as they call them, and help you earn revenue as well. After registering and becoming a member you can write your own hub and promote them as you want. If you mention your main website in your hub or profile, you would want to promote your hub which will indirectly promote your website. Marketing your website using hubpages is a natural optimization of your website in search engines. Make sure not to spam your hubs or others. Spam is taken very seriously, and you may end up having your account banned.
How to use Hubpages? You can become a member of hubpages by registering and conforming your email. Once you become a member, you are all set to start hubbing. It would be convenient for other hubber to know more about you if you summarize the contents of your hub in your summary. It will give them the idea about what your niche is and why they should keep coming back to read your hubs. Hubpages can be browsed by hub ratings such as “What is Hot”,”What is New”,”What is best rated”. There is a topics tab that can b used to browse through popular categories and subcategories. If your hub appears in What’s Hot category, you will end up driving lots of traffic.
What can you find at hubpages? Hubpages has lot of traffic and people form varied interests and hobbies.You can find discussions on Gift Baskets, How to Build a Gift Basket, etc
Why use Hubpages? Hubpages can be very motivating. It helps to:
- Promote your website - Hubpages are an excellent way to get relevant traffic to your website. You can place direct link to your website. It also helps your website in making it search engine optimized, because of hubpages’ own great web presence. You can promote your hubs using social bookmarking and media marketing websites like delicious, digg and stumbleupon. The best of all, you can track your daily visitors by plugging in your Google Analytics code.
- Make Money - Yup, that’s true. Hubpages lets you add your Adsense code. If any ads are clicked in your hub, you will paid commission for that click amount. You can also use affiliate accounts like eBayand Amazon. If you wish to use eBay and Amazon ID, you are required to have commission Junction account. You need to apply and activate for these accounts before you start using them.
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